Creating the Video Wall for USF
MCS had the opportunity of providing A/V solutions for the University of South Florida. Therefore, we designed and created the solution for the Video Wall for the College of Business at USF. In sum, MCS put together high-quality audio and visual hardware, such as display monitors, audio speakers, and microphones, to make this project a reality.
Why Choose a Video Wall?
A video wall is a great tool for any business or learning environment. They have many benefits that provide advanced quality and features in their uses. For example, they allow for greater display flexibility than standard projectors, offering more tile display options to the viewing area. Further, they enable collaboration opportunities. Additionally, they are designed to handle higher complexity viewing tasks. These, along with many other benefits make video walls an innovative, modern video solution.
For more information on the benefits of video walls, check out this Constant Tech article here.

AV Technology and Solutions
Our Role
Above all, this project consisted of configuring video, digital, and display needs. First, this included creating the video display itself, configuring the control system, and setting up video sources. Then, it also called for configuring an audio system. Moreover, we accomplished this by re-purposing existing speakers and adding high-quality microphones to the project build.
Ultimately, we accomplished a high-quality audio solution with clear, precise sound and no static and a beautiful visual display for the USC College of Business Video Wall.
Are you looking for project solutions similar to this? MCS brings quality tech solutions to each of our AV solutions and projects. Contact us today to learn more about the solutions MCS can bring to your project.